Sterling Controllers 4 - 36 Stations |
- Six independent programs that can run concurrently.
- Up to 9 daily cycle starts per program; or, loop watering optional in all six programs for unlimited cycles.
- No limit on the number of programs to which a station can be assigned (all six if desired).
- Station timing adjustable from 1 minute to 24 hours in 1 minute increments. Seconds/minutes time base optional in all six programs. An illuminated LED lets you know if a program is in the seconds/minutes mode.
- Automatic, semi-automatic, manual, and timed manual operation.
- Programmable watering calendar. The watering calendar is factory set at 7 days, but can be changed to any length from 1 to 32 days.
- Programmable 'system check' cycle that can be initiated at any station. Station 'On' duration programmable from 1 min, to 15 min. (or, optionally, 1 to 15 sec. per station).
- Water budgeting feature to simultaneously change the watering duration of all stations within a program (1% to 255%). An illuminated LED lets you know if water budgeting is set at other than 100%.
- Single program option gives you the flexibility of having two or more programs scheduled, but limiting automatic operation to only that program at which the dial is set.
- Programmable rain off up to 14 days. The controller will resume automatic operation on the day following the last "Off" day.Program erase feature allows existing programs to be erased individually or all at once.
- Programmable pause of 1 second to 59 seconds between stations to allow full valve closure before advancing to the next station.
- Programmable loop allows a program's watering cycle to continuously repeat for a desired period. Cycles can repeat immediately or after a programmed delay of 1 minute to 4 hours, 15 minutes.
- Program 6 can be activated by a sensor switch such as a thermostat. Ideal for frost protection or cooling.
- Simplified program review. Program information can be scrolled on the display.
A temperature switch (or other "normally open" sensor switch) can be connected to sensor terminals of controller. When sensor contacts close, a watering cycle is initiated in program #6. The cycle will continuously repeat as long as the sensor switch remains closed.
If the Frost Override Option (one of 9 programmable options) is used, programs 1 thru 5 will be suspended during the sensor activated operation of program #6. When the sensor switch opens, the watering cycle in program #6 will immediately stop and programs 1 thru 5 will be allowed to resume operation.
The Sterling is a highly flexible misting controller in addition to being ideally suited for virtually all other watering applications. If the "M' option is specified when ordering (i.e. Sterling 8M) an extra set of instructions tailored specifically for misting applications will be included.